Listening Section

Listening material in the new test includes academic lectures and long conversations in which the speech sounds very natural. Test takers can take notes on any listening material throughout the entire test.

Four to six lectures, 3–5 minutes long each, about 500–800 words. Six questions per lecture 60–90 minutes.

Two to three conversations, about 3 minutes long, about 12–25 exchanges, 5 questions per conversation 60–90 minutes.

Listening Question Formats
After the listening material is played, test takers both see and hear each question before they see the answer choices. This encourages them to listen for main ideas. There are four question formats in the Listening section:

– Traditional multiple-choice questions with four answer choices and a single correct answer
– Multiple-choice questions with more than one answer (e.g., two answers out of four or more choices)
– Questions that require test takers to order events or steps in a process
– Questions that require test takers to match objects or text to categories in a chart

Recent stuff about listening

Practice Everywhere

Compared to improving other aspects of English, developing a good ear for the spoken language should be relatively easy to do. After all, you can practice your listening anywhere and at any time. Full Story
